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Support the Club

Your commitment and generosity are what make this work.

The Virginia Football Alumni Club exists to promote and support the University of Virginia football tradition by bringing together all eras and contributors to Virginia Football. We do this through game day parties throughout the fall and a big reunion in the spring. We remind the current team about the histories of their jersey numbers and we come out to watch them practice so they can connect those names and numbers with real faces and stories. We host cookouts in the summer to welcome new players to town, and we seek to pay it forward by sharing words of wisdom and reflection, having walked in those same shoes some years earlier.


We do those things because the teams that we were once apart of and the teammates that we lined up beside still matter to us. And because those experiences continue to serve as a lens through which we view and relate to our families, friends, jobs, and circumstances. 


By supporting the Club you are helping ensure that friendships remain intact, that history isn't forgotten, and that current and future Wahoos understand, appreciate, and nurture the legacies that you helped create. 

  • The Club is open to ALL former players and members of the Football Family, including coaches, managers, trainers, and administrative personnel. Your standing in this group has nothing to do with how much you played then, or what you do for a living now, or how much you might support it financially. Family is family.

  • Nothing.

  • Nothing. 

    In 2021 we shifted from "dues" to "gifts", which felt like a better way to support our work. Regardless of what we call it, it's only possible because of your generosity.

    There were a few reasons for the shift:

    • Once a Hoo Always a Hoo  In a sense, you already paid your dues thru your contributions to the program, be it five or 50 years ago. We all went through similar experiences and made similar sacrifices, forming lasting bonds along the way. Membership is conditional upon that, not a financial transaction.

    • Frugality  Not to be confused with “cheap.” Rather, we try to be mindful of every dollar that you generously choose to give us, and spend them wisely. We have done a lot of work in recent years to trim fat out of our budget in an effort to maximize the bang that we get for every one of your bucks. 

    • Stewardship  Though we need a backstop in case of unforeseen expenses or global pandemics, our intent is to spend what we raise each year in service to you and our mission.

    • Inclusivity  Whether in person or in spirit, bringing together the broadest collections of albums is central to our mission. Some of you lives states—if not countries—away, yet your support has been unwavering and we wanted to begin to reduce the focus on being so Charlottesville-centric. 

    • Optionality  On the Giving page you will notice a few options for where you can direct your dollars. Currently, you can select between (or both) the General Fund and the newly established Memorial Fund

    • Tax Implications  Whereas “dues” weren’t tax-deductible, “gifts” are. And though the IRS tax code ain’t what it used to be, there is at least some possible return/deduction on your investment in the Club.

    We believe this approach is a better path forward, in better service to our mission. 

  • That's totally up to you. As a general guideline, though, if you were a $125/year dues-paying member in the past, we hope that you'll consider making gifts of comparable size.

  • We make every effort to be both thoughtful and responsible with how we manage the Club's funds. And simply put, we could not operate year-to-year without your generosity to replenish our operating account year-to-year.  Here's what your dues have historically covered:


    General & Administrative

    • Management services agreement with UVA Alumni Association: 

    • Database management

    • Gift processing

    • Fund management

    • Event planning / staffing

    • Miscellaneous (i.e. web hosting, letterhead)


    Game Day

    • Rental fees

    • Catering

    • Staffing

    • Awards and recognitions

    • Miscellaneous


    Alumni Wekeend

    • Rental fees

    • Order of the Crossed Sabres plaque(s)

    • Senior Dinner at Aberdeen Barn (we funded this separately in 2019 from funds raised via GivingToHoosDay)

    • Small gift for graduating players

  • In addition to the general Operating Fund, you now have the ability to direct a gift to our new Memorial Fund account. These gifts are kept separately and used in various ways to honor our deceased teammates. Learn more here

  • We hope that the funds we are seeking to raise aren't viewed in 1:1 competition with other places you may choose to support, particularly VAF, which also needs our continued support. 

    The Club seeks to operate on the smallest feasible amount possible. Though a reserve account is simply being practical, anything beyond that we intend to put to use each year, whether for the Club's activities or in support of the program. 

    In case you missed it, for instance, the program is about to build a new facility. Details are in the works, but the conversation has already begun in terms of how our Club can support that effort. We will be open with you about what we are doing in that regard, but again, support as you can and we'll do our absolute best to use that support responsibly and wisely. 

  • We're making concerted efforts to broaden our reach and create opportunities for those located further from Charlottesville to feel connected, make an impact, and be served. Hence, another reason for moving away from the "dues" model.

    Our approach has been to start with "the skinny end of the wedge" and create "low-cost experiments." If you have other suggestions, please let us know!

  • See those big orange buttons?...


    You can also scan a QR code at our events, or send a check via snail mail:

    UVA Fund

    Attn: VFAC

    PO Box 400314
    211 Emmet St. South
    Charlottesville, VA 22904

    Thank you!

By the numbers 




$20 — fairly easy to remember, right? We did that on purpose, and it comes with a moderate price tag.


We take a cake to the entire Football staff each month to celebrate birthdays and show our gratitude for their stewardship of the programs.

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